
Showing posts from March, 2015

What ABout You?

Good evening, everyone. I hope you had a great day. I had a decent day myself. Tonight I just wanted to see how things were going with every one that is following my blog. What do you think about how I am doing so far? What topics would you like for me to talk about. This blog is all about you, my followers. What do you want to hear me talk about? I can talk qabout anything that you think I would be able to know about. Give me a chance to show you what I know. Don't forget that I have been through a lot in the last couple of years. So be kind and love those around you and be kind to everyone. Ciao for now. Crystal

On a Slow Train to Nowhere

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope everyone is really enjoying this beautiful weather that we are having here in Gastonia, NC. Not too much has been going on lately. Yesterday, I had my usual therapy session. My life has been on a slow train to nowhere lately, though. Why? You ask. Ok, I will tell you. Lately, I have felt like a chicken with its head cut off and haven't felt like doing squat or anything. I haven't felt like going anywhere. I haven't felt lik seeing anyone. And I guess that I just haven't cared if anyone came to see me either. Until yesterday. Here is the part that I can't understand, though. I had my 50-minute session with my therapist, and came out feeling so much better than when I went in. And I guess I had a lot of frustrations to get a handle on since I kept going over in my mind what to talk about before my session. All in all, I guess I really needed that session. Usually, I never know what I will say to my doctor, but this time was dif...

My Daughters

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope you are doing well today and i hope that you consider all that I talk about here on my blog. My subject matter always depends on what I am thinking about around the time that I write. Right now, I am having my dialysis treatment at the fresenius medical center  in Gastonia, NC and have some time on my hands. My daughter, Ashleigh, called me earlier to ask me about staying at her friend's house again tonight. I told her that it was fine with me. As long as I know the 5 w's, I don't care. My daughters are two of the best things to ever happen to me. They may get on my nerves at times, but majority of the time, they are very good children.  Of course, they are NOT children anymore. Jessica will be 20 years old in May and Ashleigh will be 23 in December. Wow, my kids make me old.  Of course, 47 is NOT all that old. But all in all, they deserve so much for what all they do for me. I just wish I could give them the world. Have a great day,...

Depression, Anyone?

Good morning, everyone. Hope you are doing well today. As for myself, I am doing okay. This morning, I got up later than usual. My alarm goes off at 6:00 am every morning, but I have been getting to where I don't get up before 6:30 am. It seems as if I am tired when I get up. I know that there are times, though, that I do not sleep good at night. That shouldn't be the reason that I am tired, though. I know, I know. It would help me out a lot if I would just get up and move my body. I keep telling myself this, but for some reason, I still feel as though I don't care at times. This would probably be what my therapist would call my depression kicking in. Call it what you may, but I call this being lazy. Yeah, yeah, we all may call it different things, but it doesn't help me out. All I can say to this is to get out there and be a friend to your friends and family. We need active people in our lives for a reason. And we are silently asking for your help. Ciao for now...

A Little Quiet Today

Good evening, everyone. Hope you have had a wonderful and beautiful afternoon. It has been uneventful here except for the fact that we just got my daughter on her way back to college. And it is crazy quiet here on the homefront already. I will see my daughter in another two weeks at Easter, so the time will go by pretty quick. She has grown into such an independent and strong young woman these last two years while away at college. I just ask God to take care of her while away from home. I honestly hope you feel the same way about someone you love. Ciao for now. Crystal

My Freedom of Speech

Good morning, everyone. Hope you are doing well today. Everything is going okay with me so far. If you are a UNC Tarheel fan, you know that they got beat by Notre Dame last night. Yeah, that's a bummer, right? Don't get me wrong. I grew up a devoted TARHEEL fan. And I still am and always will be. No matter what. What gets me, though, is the fact that we all can have a couple of favorite teams, and yet we still get ridiculed for liking the wrong team. Hello., freedom of speech, people. Well, anyway, I've gotta get ready for church. Talk to you later. Love to you all. Go visit someone and enjoy the weather. Ciao for now. Crystal

My Saturday Morning

Good morning, everyone. Hope things are going well for you. As for me, I am doing okay. I am at dialysis right now. They called me yesterday and asked if I would like to come in early today. I always tell them yes so that I can get out earlier than usual. So, it is not unusual for me to have half the day free. Today, though, my youngest daughter will be getting ready to go back to college tomorrow. I have to take her to get some snacks later and more than likely will go to my mother-in-law's house, too. So, my easy day ends up being a busy day. Sometimes, though, I will try to get in a quick trip to the grocery store, if possible. This way, I just might have tomorrow as my free day. I do try to make my way to my parents' house. This is a definite trip, except for last week. My parents are important to me. They have been there for me, so I am trying to be there for them. Along with me blogging, I am also watching my usual programs for a Saturday morning, the cooking netw...

Dialysis treatment today.

Good afternoon, everyone. I hope everyone is doing well today. I am doing okay considering that I had dialysis earlier. The last couple of times that I have had my treatments, the nurses have put the needles in my upper arm. The two times that they have done this, my neuropathy has not bothered me. This is a good thing. When I hurt, I hurt so bad that I can't take it and I end up having a very, very bad day. Since then, I kind of dread my treatments at times. Well, let me get ready for choir practice. Gotta go. Ciao for now. Crystal

A Christmas Gift

Good evening, everyone. Hope everyone is well this evening. Things are going okay as of right now for me. With the tablet that I received from my girls for Christmas, I am hoping against all hope to keep my blogging going on a regular basis. The tablet was a gift that my girls said that I deserved. Their quote was "mom, you deserve something nice for once." What can I say to two wonderful daughters who say things like that? There's not a specific subject that I was thinking about talking about. But I do have to admit that I was thinking of all of my prescriptions that I have to take on a daily basis earlier. There's one medicine that I have to take with all three meals (5 pills w/ each meal) and when I eat snacks. These are not small pills either. But, I do have a bit of good news. I do not have high blood pressure, so therefore, I DO NOT have to take high blood pressure medicine. I do believe that this caused me to react bad because I was taking it when I didn...

Weighing Heavily on My Heart

Good morning, everyone. I hope you are doing well today. I am doing okay so far. This morning, I would like to talk to you about something that really bothered me the other day. It may not mean much to a lot of people, but it has been weighing heavily on me like a ton of bricks. There is a show that my daughter has gotten me into watching this season. It has some of the best acting around. Well, anyway, one of the characters is gay and is in a relationship. They both decide to get tested to make sure neither one of them is HIV positive. This is the part that brought tears to my eyes. They were going to get their results together, but one got them before the other did. In the end, though, the one that suggested to get the tests done was the one that's infected. Truly, my heart felt the same as if it were me getting the results by myself. This is what I would like others to do. No matter what is going on in your life, take a moment to be there for someone else. They may need yo...