
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Chili Cook-off Fundraiser

Good evening, everyone. I hope you have had a great weekend so far. All is as well as it can be right now. As you all know, I had my first annual chili cook-off fundraiser this evening. It was a great success. We had a full house to where we had to bring out more tables and chairs. We even had a live music guest. One of my best friends sings, so he did the music. I want to say thank you to all who helped make my fundraiser possible this evening. We had such a great turnout and raised $817.00. Thank you for everything. Ciao for now.

Fundraiser Reminder

Good evening, everyone. I hope you have had a great day so far. I just want to remind you all of my chili cook-off fundraiser on Saturday, October 24 @ 6:00 pm. If you have a crock pot of chili to bring, please make sure to get there before 6:00 pm. It is at Bethesda Methodist Church of Gastonia on S. New Hope Road. I hope to see you there. Ciao for now.

What a Great Game.

Good evening, everyone. I hope that you have had a great day. It has been a good day for me, too. Well, I am guessing that all of you have heard the good news. The Carolina Panthers won their game against the Seattle Seahawks yesterday 27 - 23. Everyone should know by now that I am a die-hard Panther fan. And if you know me well enough, you will know that I always talk positive about my favorite football team. I told everyone that I knew that the Panthers would win. I even had some to ask how I knew that they would win. I told them that I just had a good feeling. And the funny thing is that these same people still questioned my words afterwards. If you watched the game, then you saw a really good game. And you would agree that the Panthers played very hard. I just want you to take these words to heart.  When you have a honest to goodness good vibe about something, don't let anyone talk you out of your good mood. It can make you feel down and negative about things. Just keep a...

College Break & a Birthday

Good evening, everyone. I hope you have had a great weekend so far. I have had a good weekend myself.  My youngest daughter came home from college for her fall break. It just so happened to be the same weekend as my birthday. Yes, today is my birthday and I spent it taking my daughter back to her friend's house so that they could take her back to the train station and then the rest of the day with my other daughter at the Cotton Ginning Days in Dallas.  We finally got home about 6:00 or so.  Right now, I am not doing anything but sitting back in my recliner and trying to rest. All in all, it was a good day for me. Spending time with my daughters whether they are together or by themselves is a great way to pass the time. Of course, it doesn't hurt when you have the best daughters ever. I love you, girls. Take this with you as you go through the day. No matter  where you are, you have the means to make the most out of time with loved ones. Ciao for now.