What a Great Game.

Good evening, everyone. I hope that you have had a great day. It has been a good day for me, too.

Well, I am guessing that all of you have heard the good news. The Carolina Panthers won their game against the Seattle Seahawks yesterday 27 - 23. Everyone should know by now that I am a die-hard Panther fan. And if you know me well enough, you will know that I always talk positive about my favorite football team. I told everyone that I knew that the Panthers would win. I even had some to ask how I knew that they would win. I told them that I just had a good feeling. And the funny thing is that these same people still questioned my words afterwards.

If you watched the game, then you saw a really good game. And you would agree that the Panthers played very hard.

I just want you to take these words to heart.  When you have a honest to goodness good vibe about something, don't let anyone talk you out of your good mood. It can make you feel down and negative about things. Just keep an open mind.

Ciao for now.


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