What Path Has God Led You?

Good morning, everyone. I hope that everyone is doing great on this warm Sunday morning.

I am doing okay myself as of right now.

My question for you this morning is this. How do we know if we are on the path that God has led us?

As of right now, I am still not certain what path I am on with God. God has led me to being able to understand a little bit about who I am as a whole.

When I was younger, I never knew what these words would mean to me as an adult. I do know that I am a great communicator with words on paper more so than in public. But, I have gotten to where I can communicate a little bit better in public, though. You see, it wasn't until I was in high school when I started my "writing career". I have written over 45 poems and have four to five unfinished stories since then. It seems that writing is in my path work. So, you see, this is in part to what God has in store for me. What does God have in store for you?

But, the question was, how do you know if you are on the correct path? I would say that you will know when life comes full circle and it leads you back to kind of where you were to begin with. I felt this entry starting to form while thinking of a certain young lady in my life who seems to be at a standstill in her life. She needs answers and motivation, and I have struggled to come up with the answers and motivation for her.

Now I know that I have a few followers out there! So, please, followers, help me out here by communicating with me on what God has in store for you and some pointers for my young lady friend who needs motivation. Come on people, I know you can do this one thing for me. Help a fellow human being out for me. Please!!!

Ciao for now.



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