Being a Team Player

Merry Christmas, everyone.
This may be a couple of days late, but hey, at least I made it before the end of the year.

I am here at home watching the Carolina Panthers play the Atlanta Falcons. I have been a very faithful fan of the Panthers for as long as I can remember them being a football team. But all in all, I can say that my family and I are having a bonding session with the football game. Usually, I am the only one who watches these games.  But, hey, if I can get my daughter, Jessica, to watch a game with me, I am doing great. Lately, I can say that Ashleigh has been watching some with me while playing her Nintendo DS.

And I can say that my daughters have been there for me these past two years. They have been my team players, if that is the best way to put it.

Along with my daughters, my parents have done wonders for me. They take me back and forth to the UNC Women's Hospital in  Raleigh. They are just there for me, in general. Every one of us that have kidney disease should have a team of loved ones that are there for them, no matter what.

If you have some sort of Kidney disease, I recommend that you build yourself a team of people who would work wonders for your health. Be a team player to someone else. Help your brother or sister get to dialysis, especially if they can't make it on their own. Sometimes, that is all that it takes to be a team player....Be a team player.

Ciao for now.


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