Where Do My Ideas Come From?

I have often wondered where some of my ideas come from. Have you?

In the last couple of years, I have had some big ideas. The question is "How often do my ideas pan out, though?

Seriously, it all depends on the individual and how much it is needed. Last year, my big idea was to have a fundraiser for myself (since this is what I am required to do with www.helpHopelive.org) but to be able to enjoy it with everyone that I know. I was able to get Myrtle UMC, Providence Presbeterian on Union Road, Faith in East Gastonia, and Lowell-Smyre UMC in Lowell. Most donated their time for the MusicFest (www.myrtleumc.org)  to help me in my cause. A few donated money. We raised $2500 on this first fundraiser. Yes, this was my first fundraiser, and it was a huge success.

Well, I have just received a great idea for my next fundraiser. I see music, dancing, a sale, and a raffle. This will be the first time that I will be implementing businesses to volunteer a few items. Now you are probably wondering where this idea came from, aren't you? Okay. I will tell you.

The idea for all of this came from a dream. Yep, a dream. Actually, this is where a lot of my inspiration for my ideas come from. You can call it what you want. I say that it is God talking to me. This is what happens when I have God first and foremost in my life. And trust me when I say that this is the greatest thing to everyone, not just me. God has spoken, and I am his mouthpiece. Let there be light at the end of this tunnel (kidney disease) that I have in me. Now, I don't quote bible verses, I haven't read the bible in the last year, but I can say that I keep God in my life by being faithful to Him, loving Him, and doing right by Him. I go to church weekly not because I have to but because I want to. I love music, period. And I can say that until I got in the choir, I felt like Uncle Jessie in one of my all-time favorite songs Antioch Church House Choir. antiochchurchhousechoir - youtube

This time I am aiming to top the amount made last year.I am hoping to get a group of churches around my job (First UMC of Dallas - www.fumcdallasnc,org) If this doesn't draw that amount, that will be okay. If I can't raise this amount for the one event, maybe we will raise it for the year. Who knows when God has a hand in it. I just like to get different people involved together to do things and to really enjoy it as a family and a church family.If you would like to participate, please feel free to let me know here on my blog, in an email (parker.crystal1011@yahoo.com), or just by giving me a call. (704-675-2190)

Well, I woke up aiming to try my hand at tai chi, but this entry was a given when I woke at five this morning.

Stay true to yourself and you will go far in life. Remember, we all deserve to live. Save a kidney.

Ciao for now.


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