2013? or 2014?

Good evening, everyone.
Is everyone ready for 2013 to end? I can't say that I am and I can't say that I'm not.

You know, today has been a really busy and crazy day for me. I had to work for half the day, and then I had my dialysis treatment today. This is one of those weeks that they reschedule our appointments to coincide with the upcoming holiday schedule. But, the only thing is that I have two sick adult daughters at home. I had to go home to take care of them, cook, and then put a load of clothes in the wash.

What would happen if I got sick? Who would take care of me? Do I still have to cook for myself? Or do I go without?

Questions are always asked. But, do we get to get the answers that we deserve? Nope. I just hope that I have a way better 2014 than I had in 2013.

Ciao for now.


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